Monday, 20 June 2011

Plaza San Martín

Plaza San martin is big, at one end there is a sloping park where there is a surprising number of people 'making out', as the americans in my class would say, and the other side of a big road is a sqaure. In the sqaure stands the "Torre de los ingleses", tower of the english. The sqaure it stands in was known as the "Plaza Britanica" and then renamed Argentine Air Force sqaure after the tower became a target for english planes during the Falklands war. After the war in '83 the tower was renamed 'Torre monumental' (although most peolple still call it torre de los ingleses). As a result of the war it was targeted by locals, detonating dynamite at the base trying to blow it up.

Opposite the tower in the bank of the slope is a memorial to the 649 Argentine men who died in the conflict. Its a lot of names. Outside the monument stands an oversized argentine flag, facing accross at the tower.

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